Areas of Focus

These professional development programs are specifically designed to inspire, motivate, and educate you as you begin or grow your career.
Get involved by attending one of our Grow events!
Leadership Lab
These programs focus on growing and developing your skills and knowledge. Topics covered include: leadership, personal branding, time management, effective communication, business foundations and more.
Business Insider
These events give you access to some of the most prominent and influential business people in our community in order to give you wisdom, perspective, and insight.

These social events encourage you to mix and mingle with young professionals in a relaxed environment. You can network and build professional and personal relationships all while having a great time.
Get involved by attending one of our Connect events!
Morning Mixer
Held monthly, these morning networking events allow you to share ideas, questions, and leads over coffee and breakfast.
Off The Clock
Held once a quarter, these evening networking events create a fun environment to meet and get connected with other YPs in Gwinnett.

Our goal through Impact is to connect the young people in our community with the causes that are close to their hearts! We are a resource for both young professionals who are looking for ways to volunteer as well as non-profits who are looking for volunteers to help them make an impact!
Get involved by committing to one of our Impact opportunities!
Community Service
GYP partners with different non-profit organizations to rally young professionals around different service projects in our community.
Volunteer Finder
We provide non-profit organizations with a platform to advertise their volunteer opportunities. Must be a Gwinnett Chamber member to post volunteer opportunities.

GYP’s Journey Leadership Institute is a nine-month business leadership program which combines the expertise of Gwinnett County’s top leadership and development organizations into one cohesive program where participants are led through a series of workshops that work together to grow and cultivate their current skills and knowledge. The program begins each year in August and concludes in April. To learn more, click here.

THEYPARTY is the signature Gwinnett Young Professionals (GYP) event of the year which will feature 35 Under 35, an awards program that identifies and celebrates the promise of our emerging business leaders who have connected, grown, and impacted our community.